Farmer Protests Could Affect Electoral Landscape
Situation assessment as on 01/03/2021 | Price: Rs 500/-
With the farm agitation now in its fourth month, the deadlock continues. The last round of talks ended over a month ago.. There is anxiety among political leaders aligned to the ruling NDA about the possible impact in about half a dozen states that will be going to elect their assemblies in March/April. These include Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala. The political impact can already be seen in local bodies’ elections in Punjab. These have been disastrous for the BJP, although in Gujarat, the party has secured its position in similar elections. The study looks at political impact in Punjab, Rajasthan, UP; rare opportunity for revival of opposition; Congress incapable of rejuvenating the Opposition; possibility that protests may not damage BJP; that the protests may in fact be declining etc
Situation assessment for the week ended 01 March, 2021 (1,709 words)
Price: Rs 500/-
Date of SS: 01, March 2021